Mary Mallon - перевод на Английский
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Mary Mallon - перевод на Английский

Typhoid Mary in Oyster Bay; Typhoid Mary Mallon; Typhoid Mary
  • Poster depiction of "Typhoid Mary"
  • A historical poster warning against acting like Typhoid Mary

Mary Mallon         
(1869-1938) Iers geboren Amerikaanse kok die de eerste gezonde draagster was van buiktyfus in de V.S,. die meer dan 50 mensen met deze ziekte besmette en die ziekte daardoor de bijnaam van Tyfus Mary kreeg
Typhoid Mary         
n. overdrager van elk ongewenst iets; iemand die een ziekte overbrengt, belediging voor iemand die een ziekte overbrengt, beledigende term voor iemand die ients ongewenst overbrengt (zoals slecht nieuws, pessimisme, enz.)
Mary Leakey         
  • Mary and Louis Leakey at [[Olduvai Gorge]]
  • Plinth with plaque sited in Olduvai Gorge marking the spot where Mary Leakey discovered "Zinjanthropus", the first-found ''A. boisei'' in Africa.
Mary D Leakey; Mary Douglas Leakey; Mary Nicol; Mary Douglas Nicol Leakey; Mary Nicol Leakey; Mary Nichol Leakey; Leakey, Mary Nichol; Leakey, Mary
n. Mary Leakey, (1913-1996) Engelse paleontologe en echtgenote van Louis Leakey, moeder van Richard Leakey


Typhoid Mary
¦ noun (plural Typhoid Marys) informal a transmitter of undesirable opinions or attitudes.
the nickname of Mary Mallon (died 1938), an Irish-born cook who transmitted typhoid in the US.


Mary Mallon

Mary Mallon (September 23, 1869 – November 11, 1938), commonly known as Typhoid Mary, was an Irish-born American cook believed to have infected between 51 and 122 people with typhoid fever. The infections caused three confirmed deaths, with unconfirmed estimates of up to 50. She was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogenic bacteria Salmonella typhi. She persisted in working as a cook and thereby exposed others to the disease. Because of that, she was twice forcibly quarantined by authorities, eventually for the final two decades of her life. Mallon died after a total of nearly 30 years in isolation. Her popular nickname has since gained currency as a term for persons who spread disease or other misfortune, not always aware that they are doing so.

Примеры употребления для Mary Mallon
1. Early in the last century, for example, the very same New York City health department famously exiled Mary Mallon (aka "Typhoid Mary"), along with many other infectious patients, to a tiny island "colony" in the East River.